Bircham International University
Online Continuing Education Course via distance learning
This course is also suitable for company training.
Course - Software & Hardware Management via distance learning
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Software & Hardware Management via distance learning
This course explains the use of hardware and software functions to solve applications and fulfill the needs commonly found in information technology systems, computer environments, database systems, networks, peripherals, and telecommunication systems.
Online Continuing Education Course Supervisor: John Stanley Bircham
More information about this supervisor at the Bircham University Human Network.
METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: Textbook-Based Distance Learning Continuing Education.
This distance learning continuing education course is completed by a traditional correspondence instruction method. Once you sign up for the course, Bircham International University will send you (to your mailing address) the course-suggested textbook. After reading the book, you will be asked to write a 20 to 35 pages report that reflect your understanding of the book. This report is equivalent to the course exam and can be submitted by email or mail. Bircham International University will evaluate your written work. If passed, BIU will issue the Course Certificate. For more instructions about BIU pedagogy, tutoring, and evaluation, please read our distance learning continuing education guide.
The estimated duration of this online course amounts to 10 weeks with an average dedication of 9 hours per week of continuing education. However, the actual duration depends on your dedication to the completion of the continuing education course requirements. We recommend you dedicate 3 hours a day and 3 days per week.
After completion of this continuing education course, you will earn 90 hours of study partitioned as follows: 36 hours for textbook reading and comprehension; 27 hours for data organization and draft report writing; 18 hours for final report review and formatting, examples and case studies; and a final average of 9 hours for subject conclusion, opinion, and critical thinking.
COURSE LEVEL & REQUIREMENTS: Software & Hardware Management via distance learning
Postgraduate level continuing education course. Previous knowledge in this field of study is required.
This course is suitable for company training.
COURSE SUGGESTED BIBLIOGRAPHY: Software & Hardware Management Online
Click here to access the recommended bibliography for this course. The corresponding course textbook is included in the course fees. Once the course fee has been paid, the book may take between two to five weeks to reach your address. Bircham International University offices may inform you at any time of the status of your course book. If the book is in English, the required report must be written in English unless you have requested to write it in other language and have gained Bircham International University authorization.
Enrollment - Software & Hardware Management - Online Course
CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSE ENROLLMENT: Software & Hardware Management via distance learning
In order to enroll in this continuing education course, you need to download, fill out, and submit the Bircham International University BIU Application for Admission. You only need to fill out page one of this application. You do not need to attach any of the additional documents required for higher degrees. Actual enrollment is not confirmed until the course fees are paid (or at least part of the fees in case a payment plan is authorized). To make this payment, you may either download and submit our Generic Payment Form or use Paypal if you prefer. Bircham International University offices will issue a receipt as soon as your payment is received, and will send you all the documents stating your formal enrollment in this course.
COURSE FEES & MATERIALS: 500 Euros (700 US$)
You may enroll from anywhere in the world and any time of the year. The fees include: textbook, study guide, shipping, tutoring, evaluation, and accredited certificate. Payment plans are available upon request from Bircham International University.
This course fees may be refunded within the first 30 days after delivery of the course textbook. A 100 Euros administrative fee will be discounted from the refund. The book cost (with shipping) will also be discounted from the refund in the case the book was already shipped. No refunds are granted 30 days after the course starts. Enrollment into this course will be automatically cancelled if the required report has not been submitted and approved within a year from the course start. You have a maximum of one year to complete this course.
Students taking this distance learning continuing education course should be aware of the following parameters and constraints:
1. Location: Bircham International University needs a functional geographical location to ship the book and materials.
2. Communication: Email, courier, and/or phone numbers are key communication instruments to Bircham International University and play an important role in the progress and support for this distance learning continuing education course.
3. Capacity: Any physical or psychological impediment that prevent from reading a book and/or writing reports must be communicated to Bircham International University prior to enrollment.
4. Technology: No specific technology is required to complete this distance learning continuing education course.
5. Language: Book and report writing in languages other than English must be requested prior to enrollment in the course.
6. Discrimination: No discrimination with respect to race, color, sex, beliefs, and/or religion.
7. Age: A minimum age of 19 years old is required to enroll in this distance learning continuing education course.
Recognition - Software & Hardware Management - Online Course
Acceptance of this distance learning continuing education academic credits is always the prerogative of the receiving institution or employer. Recognition criteria differ depending on each educational institution or company policy and country legal framework. This course has been designed according to the guidelines set by the European Qualification Framework for life-long learning and continuing education.
After successful completion of the accredited course required report, you will get a Professional Course Certificate issued by Bircham International University with 7 CEUs Continuing Education Units that are equivalent to 5 semester credits. You will also get a 9 ECTS credits certificate issued by the Education Quality Accreditation Commission.
The 90 hours of study that you have earned with this distance learning continuing education course may be applied to any Bircham International University degree program (Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor Ph.D.). Academic Credit conversion or validation of the course credits for university degrees will depend on the specific Faculty and degree program admission requirements.
Bircham International University introduces a unique Company Training and Corporate Continuing Education formula. We may prepare a program of study any time of the year, in any specialization, and from anywhere in the world. The company does not pay unless there is an effective learning. Read more...
Learning Outcomes: Software & Hardware Management via distance learning
The following learning outcomes are compatible with the European Qualification Framework (EQF) for lifelong learning and continuing education. The EQF directives facilitate acceptance of this course credits by many higher education institution. These learning outcomes are achieved after successful completion of this course (obtaining the minimum passing grade). Better grades will demonstrate higher analysis, evaluation and critical thinking skills.
- EQF LEVEL 5. Applicable knowledge and problem resolution.
Outcome resulting from course content analysis and practical applications included in the report.
The student will discuss in writing the interrelationships between Software & Hardware Management key concepts and will illustrate the contents with diagrams, charts, examples of practical application, and/or case studies. Several reviews and adjustments of the course contents will be necessary to meet the 20 to 35 pages report length limits and demonstrate a solid specialized knowledge of Software & Hardware Management and its applicability in the professional field of Computer Science.
- EQF LEVEL 6. Advanced knowledge and critical understanding.
Outcome resulting from course content assessment and its applicability to problem solving.
The student's ability to combine the parts of the text and to form a new coherent and harmonic whole will determine the critical understanding of the subject and an advanced knowledge of Software & Hardware Management. The student written report style, content, and structure play an important role in the assessment and applicability of the knowledge about Software & Hardware Management to different Computer Science decision-making scenarios and problem-solving.
- EQF LEVEL 7. Advanced knowledge and critical thinking.
Outcome resulting from written critical thinking and its applicability to problem solving.
The student will contrast and evaluate the learned material with his/her own knowledge and experience to express an opinion about Software & Hardware Management, to consider the practical application of the key concepts, and to argue the conclusions along the written report. Personal judgments and opinion should be based on sound criteria and must be clearly discussed..
Do not hesitate to contact Bircham International University if you have any question.
BIRCHAM UNIVERSITY - Software & Hardware Management Online
Professionally recognized and validated degrees.
Accredited (Non USA CHEA). International legalization available.
Non formal and independent education.